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How to buy and use TOT VDC in basic



The following is the most basic guide on how to buy as well as how to manage and use TOT VDC service (TotHost Virtual data center).

Mục lục

Mục lục

1. How to buy TOT VDC

Step 1: Choose VDC on demand

Access into the TOT VDC page on TotHost CloudGate. Here, you can optionally choose VDC with the configuration and number of IPs that suit your needs. Then, proceed to pay for the order as usual.

Step 2. Submit a resource setup request

After completing the payment, please create a ticket to send your VDC configuration request, including: the number of VMs (Virtual Machine) and the number of RAM, CPU, Disk, IPs each VM. Within 12 hours, the VDC and VMs will be set up according to your requirements.

For example: You buy VDC 01 and want to use all resources in only one 1 VM, send a ticket with the content: 1 VM:  5 vCPU, 10 GB RAM, 100GB SSD DISK, 8 IPv4

Step 3. Where to get VDC information?

When setup is completed, you will receive VDC information via Ticket and Email. Please access our ONGate to continue managing and using your VDC.

2. Manage and use TOT VDC on ON Gate

2.1. VDC management ON port interface

All TotHost's VDCs are controlled at one portal gate: ON Gate: https://on.tothost.vn/login.

Giao diện quản lý TOT VDC sau khi đăng nhập cổng ON

After sign in the ON Gate, you will see the Client's Dashboard with:

  • Virtual Networks (VNet): where controls your VNet and IPs which are being used. Note: We recommend not to change the IP configuration to avoid unexpected impaction to the service(s).
  • Images: having the Images (templates) of VM, available OS templates includes CentOS, Windows, Ubuntu versions. You can also create your templates by uploading a new version or adjusting the default versions.
  • Virtual Machine: including all your active VMs. You could create new VMs from here.

On the left column, there are several user-manageable functions:

  • Templates: Manage and create templates to deploy virtual machine (VMs), or deploy multi VMs at once (Services), and even create Vitral Router.
  • Storage: where stores all Images, Files uploaded as well as the Apps downloaded.
  • Settings: Check the resources provided for the VDC at Group Quotas.

2.2. Monitor status and basically customize VMs belonging to VDC

Access the VMs monitoring page (https://on.tothost.vn/#vnet-tabs). In here, you would see all VMs which were created from your VDC. Need to customize or monitor any VM, click on that VM and you will be taken to the VM management interface.

In the bar at the top, there are some basic features:

  • Tools to Console to VM: VMRC, SSH, RDP…
  • Lock / Unlock VM. After choosing "Lock", the VM will not be deleted.
  • Power icon: including function keys to pause, turn off or stop server deployment.
  • Reboot VM: including reboot and reboot hard.
  • Terminate: Delete VM by clicking on the trash icon.
  • Labels: Assign VM labels to manage virtual machines more conveniently

Bảng điều khiển VM của TOT VDC

Management tabs:

  • Info: Contains VM information such as ID, name, operating status, ownership, IP, as well as operational monitoring parameters
    Check the VM status in the LCM State: Running means the VM is running.
    You can also rename the VM in the Name section.
  • Capacity: Displays VM configuration parameters and usage performance
  • Storage: Disk and Image capacity are allocated and the usage efficiency. You can add Disk in AttachDisk or delete disk in Detach.
  • Network: Displays the number of IPs allocated to the VM and usage performance
    Add network configuration: Select AttachNIC. When you don't need to use it, you can detachNIC.
    Add IP: In the Advanced Options part, Override Network IPv4 section, enter the IP in the IP box and click the Attach button.
  • Snapshot: Create/ delete snapshot, all the VM's snapshots are stored here.
  • Actions: Set timer to pause, reboot or delete VM.
  • Conf: VM configuration. Recommendation: do not change.


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