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Instructions for registering a TotHost account




Guide to registering a Cloud VPS account in just a few simple steps.

Mục lục

Mục lục

Follow the simple instructions below to complete the registration process for a comprehensive TotHost account and receive full support and information when logging in and using services on our CloudGate system.

Step 1: Access the TotHost homepage

You can search for TotHost on Google or type tothost.vn in the search bar. This will take you to the TotHost homepage:

Step 2: Create an account on the CloudGate portal

Click on the "Sign Up" button on the menu bar. After clicking, you will be redirected to the CloudGate service portal (https://billing.tothost.vn/). The interface of the portal will look like this:

Register form on TotHost CloudGate

Step 3: Complete the registration

You need to fill in the required information and select "Register Account" to successfully register with TotHost. Then, a verification link will be sent to your email, so please remember to confirm it!

With just a few simple steps, you will have an account to use all the Cloud VPS, Web Hosting, and other services at TotHost. Wishing you a great experience with TotHost!

TAG: totdoc

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